Forum of scientists, engineers & technologists (FOSET), started its journey in the year 1987, is presently having nearly two thousand conscious and socially committed scientists, engineers and related professionals in it’s fold directly as members and operating through 12 subcentres scattered in and around the state with its central office in Calcutta. The sub-centres are located at North Bengal (Siliguri) Bankura, Barrackpore, Howrah (B.E. College), Kharagpur (IIT), Haldia, Kolaghat, Durgapur, Suri, Hooghly, Jalpaiguri, Jadavpur and attempts are being made to open sub-centres at Santaldih, Kalyani, Raigunj etc.

FOSET is closely linked with fraternal organisations of Professionals and Service Associations, All India Peoples’ Science Network (AIPSN), Department of Science and Technology, both in Central and State Govt. Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Resources – Govt. of India, Dept. of Rural & Urban Development, HUDCO, TATA Dorabji Trust, WBREDA etc.

FOSET has taken an active interest in rejuvenating the industrial and economic scenario of West Bengal and economic scenario of West Bengal and assisted Departments of Power, Technical Education, Science & Technology, Cottage & Small Scale Industries, Transport, Municipal Affairs, Housing, Urban Development, Panchayat Administration, Food Processing and WBREDA etc. in various Government Committees. It has been awarded with “Best Performance in promoting Cost Effective Construction Technology in India in 2000” by Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India and HUDCO, “Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Award” in 2006 by Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of India and “Meghnad Puroshkar” in 2006 by Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of West Bengal in recognition of FOSET’s contribution towards popularisation of science and technology for social development. Here


To highlight Social, Political & Economical implications of Science and Technology (S&T).

To focus the role status of Science & Technology (S&T) professionals to satisfy the needs of the society.

To build awareness of S&T amongst the common people.
Democratisation of the work of S&T Institutions / organisations to further creativity.

To maintain continuous vigilance on the S&T policies of the nation to analyse them meticulously for leading recommendations to appropriate authorities.

To mobilise Public opinion for effective implementation of S&T policies.

To campaign for promoting technology for rural application and Human Resource Development through training programme.

To initiate discussions on subject having socio-technical relevance like Automation, Technical Education Policies, Nuclear Policy, Conservation of Energy, Urbanisation Policy etc.
To bring together all those workings in Science, Engineering, Medical and Technological profession to have an exchange of ideas, arising out of their concrete & specific experience for the benefit of the large segment of the society.

Publication and Campaign of most essential, S&T information among the large segment of the people of our society.



In pursuance to its aims and objectives FOSET organises regular seminars/workshops to create awareness among the members as well among other professionals on various socio-technical issues. Some of the programmes are:

FOSET joined other mass organisations to protest against invasion of Iraq by Imperialist Forces

FOSET published a compilation of valuable articles in protest against attack on Iraq

FOSET participated in the World Social Forum held at Mumbai

FOSET organised series of seminars on the Indo-US Nuclear Treaty and its’ adverse effect on sovereignty of our country.

Convention of professionals against WTO was organised at Jadavpur University, Siliguri, Jalpaiguri and at Kolkata in association with Association of Bank Officials and other mass organsiation.

Preparatory Meeting-cum-workshop on World Social Forum at Sarala Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Campaign Programme in favour of Secular Governance was organised at Kolkata, Siliguri, Barrackpur, Raigunj, Kolaghat, Bandel, B.E.College

Booklet on the Sell-out of the Nation (“Antarjali Jatray Bharat”) as a response to the malicious campaign titled ‘India Shining’ and ‘Feel Good’ by the earlier Central Government.

Rally of Professionals in Kolkata against aggression in Iraq

Convention of professionals against the Energy Bill 2003

Through these programmes our organisation has established a solid contact with other organisation of professionals like Association of State Government Engineers and Technical Officers, Association of Health Service Doctors, W.B. Subordinate Engineers Service Association, Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha, All India Peoples Science Network, W.B. State Medical Representatives.


FOSET gives top priority in down-to-earth application of S&T in the form of executing projects on “Technology transfer” at pilot scale. The nature of these projects comprises development of alternative low cost options of technology, upgradation of traditional skill, linking up R&D Institutions with the common people, rural development and management information support.


In close co-operation with HUDCO, FOSET initiated the Building Centre movement in West Bengal by setting up Building Centres at Birati, North 24-Parganas and Suri, Birbhum. It is successfully carrying promotional job of low cost technology in rural/urban housing development of alternative building materials and imparting training to the masons. The Birati Building Centre has also been awarded KFW Grant assistance for building up infrastructure. HUDCO has conferred “Best Performance Award” to the Building Centre in 2000.