15th Inter-University Engineering, Science & Technology
Academic Meet – 2025

(Technical Paper Presentation & Innovative Model
Competition for a Sustainable Society)

18th & 19th April, 2025
(Offline mode)

Organised by

Forum of Scientists, Engineers & Technologists

In Collaboration With

About the Academic Meet

Date of submission of paper and model proposal has been extended upto 28 / 03 / 2025

After an overwhelming response from the students of Engineering Colleges all over the country in the Academic Meets of 2010 to 2024, Forum of Scientists Engineers & Technologists (FOSET),  feels proud once again to organize the 15th Inter University Engineering, Science & Technology Academic Meet – 2025 & Innovative Model Competition for a Sustainable Society on 19-20 April, 2025 in association with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology , Indian Society for Technical Education – West Bengal Section, Association of Engineers India and Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology . The Academic Meet is recognized as an effective platform for exploration and brainstorming by UG and PG students, who have the positive inclination in translating their scientific knowledge into technology for the people. The event includes paper presentations before eminent experts in different fields.  And, through the process of paper submission, the students will gain experience in preparing papers in proper format and free of plagiarism. Some selected papers will be published in  reputed Journals. The  best papers from each stream will be awarded as a token of recognition. The 15th Inter University Engineering, Science & Technology Academic Meet – 2025  look forward to organizational expansion among the budding Scientists and Engineers . B.Tech., Diploma and ITI students could explore their innovative idea through their model presentation for the sustainable development of the society.


Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology

Dakshin Gobindapur, Rajpur Sonarpur, Kolkata – 145


Dr.  K. K. Satpathy, President, FOSET

Dr. N. R. Banerjea, Former V.C., BESU, Shibpur and Former President, FOSET

Prof. Subimal Sen, Former Chairman, WB Higher Education Council & former President, FOSET

Mr. Nandan Gupta, Director, SV Group

Prof. Tapas Chakraborty, V.C., MAKAUT

Prof. N. R. Bandyopadhyay, School of Material Science, IIEST, Shibpur

Mr. Gautam Ray, President, The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Dr. Goutam Sengupta, President, The Association of Engineers, India and Former Vice Chancellor, Techno India University

Prof. Sudip Roy, Chairman, ISTE, West Bengal section and Professor, IIEST, Shibpur

Mr. Saibal Mukherjee, Former Director of Technical Education & Training, Govt. of West Bengal

Prof. Krishnendu Chakraborty, Principal, GCECT

Sri Gopinath Chatterjee, Former Chief Engineer, KMDA

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Former Director (Technical), IEI

Dr. Pabitra Gayen, Deputy Director, SVIST

Organising Committee

ChairpersonProf. Jaya Sil, Dept. of Computer Science & Technology, IIEST, Shibpur
Vice Chairperson

Prof. Ashik Paul, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, CU

Prof. Sampa Chakrabarti, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, CU

Prof. Sonali Ghosh, Principal, SVIST

Organising Secretary
Mr. Prabhat Kumar Bera, General Secretary, FOSET
Jt. Convener

Dr. Goutam Kumar Das, AIEM

Dr. Jyoti Sekhar Banerjee, BIT, Kolkata

Mr. Devmalya Banerjee, AIEM

Dr. Samrat Paul, SVIST

Dr. Somnath Das, SVIST

Mr. Anindya Ghosh, SVIST

TreasurerDr. Nachiketa DasTreasurer, FOSET.

Technical Committee


Prof. Manas Kumar Sanyal, Dept. of Human Resource Management, IIEST

Vice Chairman

Prof. Jinia Datta, Principal, AIEM

Mr. Kishor Ghosh, Principal, SRIST

Mr. Debasish Kundu, Joint Secretary, FOSET

Dr. Manasi Mukhopdhyay, Vice Principal, SVIST

Joint Convener

Mr. Indrajit Pandey, Techno International, Newtown

Mr. Sheershendu Bhattacharjee, SVIST

Dr. Suman Das, SVIST

Mr. Shyam Kishor Mondal, Syamaprasad College

Dr. Arpan Dutta, SVIST


  • Dr. Barnali Kundu, GNIT

  • Mr. Sumanta Bhattacharaya, iLEAD

  • Mr. Arijit Seal, FOSET

  • Mr. Bikash Banerjee, AIEM

  • Dr. Suvasis Pradhan, BPPIMT

  • Ms. Anamika Guha, BESC

  • Mr. Anindya Ghosh, SVIST

  • Dr. Avijit Chakraborty, TIU

  • Mr. Arkadev Kundu, FOSET

  • Mr. Sumangal Bhaumik, AIEM

  • Mr. Sourav Ghosh, CIEM

  • Mr. Sheershendu Bhattacharjee, SVIST

  • Dr. Kaushik Bhattacharjee, SVIST

  • Mr. Brijit Bhattacharjee, SVIST

  • Dr. Saurav Bal, SVIST

  • Mrs. Pallabi Gharami, SVIST

  • Mrs. Sangita Purkait, SVIST

  • Mr. Somnath Roy, SVIST

  • Dr. Aniruddha Nag, TIG

  • Mr. Titas Bhaumik, AIEM

  • Mr. Ayan Banik, GKCIET

Objectives of the programme

To provide a forum to nurture science & technology
To explore and encourage scientific and technological talent and creative thinking among youth.
To develop an understanding about the role of science and technology towards sustainable development of the society.
To analyze how science and technology have affected individuals, culture and society.
To motivate the youth about science and technology as instrument for achieving self-reliance in socio -economic development.

Important Dates

Last date for submission of Full Text of Paper / Model Proposal: 28.03.2025
Date of Notification of Acceptance: 09.04.2025
Last Date of Submission of Registration: 12.04.2025
Academic Meet – Paper & Model Presentation: 19.04.2025

Call for Papers and Submission Guidelines

Papers are invited from Under-Graduate & Post-Graduate students of Universities & Engineering & Science Colleges on Ready-to-Transfer Technologies and Field-level and Cost-effective Applications of Science and Technology.  Papers should  be as per standard IEEE format as per following link: .

Maximum 4 (Four) authors ( 3 students  along with one mentor) per paper is allowed. Papers are to be submitted through the following link: https://forms.gle/EztVHqU27LWNUxo98

If similarity is found to be below 25%, the papers will be sent for peer review and accepted papers will be considered for presentation in the Meet.

Papers have to be prepared based on the format available under the following link:
FOSET Paper Template

Call for Models

Models are invited from students of Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics and ITI on Ready-to-Transfer Technology and Field-level and Cost-effective Applications of Skills in various departments of Craftsmanship. Stipulated time for presentation is 10 Minutes. Power supply will be provided .

  • Maximum 4 (Four) members per group will be allowed.
  • A brief of 300 words (approx.) on the model has to be submitted to foset.academicmeet@gmail.com within 7.03.2025


  • Certificates will be awarded only to registered paper presenters and model
  • Prizes will be awarded to the Best Paper / Model from each discipline.


Theme & Scope for Paper Presentation

1. Agricultural & Allied Sciences, Bio-Technology, Food Technology
2. Sustainable Infrastructure Development ,  Planning and Environment
3. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Engineering
4. Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and AI, ML & IoT
5. Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
6. Electronics & Communication Engineering
7. Mechanical Engineering Technology, Production Engineering, Aerospace & Automotive Engineering
8. Materials and Manufacturing Engineering & Processes, Industrial Engineering & Safety

Science & Technology Exhibition for a Sustainable Society

FOSET will organize a Science & Technology Exhibition through models and exhibits as made by the students to meet the demands of the future towards sustainable development of the society.

The main objective to organize such exhibition, in this arena of “Academic Meet”, to enable the Engineers & Technicians of the future to analyze all aspects of the role of Science & Technology for a sustainable world . This will enable the Target group to generate scientific and technological ideas for addressing various problems of the society. Scientific and technological ideas in this context may be referred to as innovative ways of doing.

Focus areas of the Exhibition

  1. Robotics and Mechatronics
  2. Smart Agri friendly Device
  3. Waste Management
  4. Smart City Related Projects
  5. Intelligent Automation
  6. Application of AI/ML, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Data Science
  7. Safety and Environmental Engineering
  8. Non-conventional energy Sources
  9. Grass-Root Innovation

(Areas listed above are suggestive only. The young engineers and technicians are free to choose any other area and develop exhibits involving technology for sustainable development of the society)


Criteria for selection of the participants of Model Exhibition

Description of criteria for selection of students Weightage in %
Creative imagination
Scientific thought and approach
Originality & innovations in the model
Technical Skill
Economic (low cost / portability / durability)
Presentation (demonstration & explanation)
Educational Value

Scope of Publication

Last year, all accepted Papers were assigned with D.O.I no and some selected papers were published in the American Journal of Advanced Computing in last two editions

(link: https://ajac.smartsociety.org/special-issue/ and https://ajac.smartsociety.org/volume-2/)

 This year also selected papers will be published in the different reputed Journal

i.) AJAC; ii.) Thought – A Socio-Technical Round-up; iii.) Journal of the Association of Engineers (India). However publication of papers depends upon the policy of individual journals.

(Areas listed above are suggestive only. The young engineers and technicians are free to choose any other area and develop exhibits involving technology for sustainable development of the society)


Everybody has to register through the following link: https://forms.gle/uXGmg2cXac3p9dug8

 All the members of papers and model have to register within 12.04.2025. After 12.04.2025 no registration will be accepted and certificate will be provided only the registered candidate.  Papers and models can be presented by students only.

 Registration Fee for Participants: Registration Fee @ Rs.400/- per participant has to be paid by online transfer and a copy of the transaction slip in .pdf format (maxm. size 1MB) has to be uploaded in the form.

Details for online transfer:-

Payee: Forum of Scientists, Engineers & Technologists

Account No.: 401210100020517

Bank Name: Bank of India

IFSC: BKID0004012

(Please attach the copy of the transaction slip with the registration form)

Collaboration / Sponsorship

Collaboration of the Academic Meet from government / other institutions@ Rs. 50,000/-

Sponsorships from government and private institutions/organisations @Rs.30,000/-

Supporters of particular Theme @ Rs. 20,000/-


(A special issue of THOUGHT will be published with the Selected Papers after the Meet)

  • Cover Page @ Rs. 20,000/
  • Full Page @ Rs. 10,000/
  • Half Page @ Rs. 7,000/-

Address for correspondence

Forum of Scientists, Engineers & Technologists (FOSET)

15N Nelli Sengupta Sarani
New CMC Building (5
th floor), Kolkata – 700087
Email: foset.academicmeet@gmail.com
Contact No:- +91